Westmont Baptist Church Baptist Church in Minor, AL

About Us
Westmont Baptist Church was founded on November 22nd, 1959 in the basement of a charter member's home
here in Minor, AL.
God has used Westmont Baptist Church to minister in the Minor community for over 50 years now, and our heart's desire truly is to make Jesus Christ known through our words and deeds.
We want to show the love that Christ has shown to us so that we might make a significant, positive impact
on our community.
This church is a loving faith family that seeks to give our visitors and our neighbors an old fashioned welcome.
We hope you will join us!
Our Beliefs
Westmont is an Evangelical Christian Church.
These are some basic concepts that we believe as we understand them to be presented in the Bible, which we think is true and trustworthy in every aspect.
There is one God, who created the whole universe
and everything in it.
This one God is a trinity, a perfect union of
Father, Son, and Spirit.
We recognize as humans that we are separated from this perfect and good God by our sins or wrongdoings.
Because our sin separates us from God, we need rescuing. Jesus Christ, who is God the Son, became human, died on a cross, and rose from the dead to pay the penalty for our sins so that we could be rescued.
The only way to be reunited and reconciled to God is through a life-changing faith in the gracious works of
Jesus Christ.
We are a church in the Southern Baptist Convention, and our beliefs follow those laid out in the Baptist Faith and Message.
Feel free to follow the link below for more information on what we believe.