Westmont Baptist Church Baptist Church in Minor, AL

Our Mission
The mission of Westmont Baptist Church is to fulfill the mandates of the Great Commission assigned to the Church by Christ as found in Matthew 28:19-20.
To put it simply, our mission is to MAKE DISCIPLES!
Worship Times
Sunday School/Small Groups
Worship Services
11:00am & 5:00pm
Children's and Youth Activities
Youth Services
Children's Activities
Prayer Meeting
Latest News & Events
Please click the "Church Calendar" button on the bottom right of the screen to access our calendar of events and see what is going on at Westmont. We hope and pray you find a place to plug in and be a part of what God is doing in our church and community through us.
In addition to checking the church calendar, the best way to keep up with our latest news and events is through our weekly church bulletins, prayer meeting guides, and our monthly newsletters. Feel free to view or download any of those by clicking on the PDF icons below.